We know how intimidating it can be to visit a place for the first time. At Halling Baptist Church, you will find a friendly and welcoming atmosphere to any of our meetings.
Where to Start?
If you are new to Christianity or would like to learn more, we recommend you to start with one of the following free courses:

These meetings are run either in a group or one-to-one, and they are designed to give you time and space to consider the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.
- You don’t need to know anything about the Bible.
- You won’t be asked to read aloud, pray or sing.
- You can ask any question you want, or just listen.
Sunday Services

Every Sunday, we get together with other Christians to praise God. Our meetings are simple; we sing some hymns or songs, we read from the Bible and pray.
Our leaders are committed to teaching from the Bible in a way that connects to our day-to-day life.
Children are also welcome! At every service, we have a children’s talk where young ones (and the not so young!) participate.
A crèche is available while parents can still listen and see the meeting.

The first Sunday of the month, we share Communion. The observance of the Lord’s Table is intended for those baptised as believers and who are living in communion with God and with other Christians in a meaningful way (in other words, those who belong to a Bible-believing Church), but we are more than happy for observers to be present.
After every meeting we stay around talking over a cup of tea or coffee and take the opportunity to get to know each other better.
There is no dress code at all, and everyone is welcome.
As a friend of ours says, there is only one rule: ‘no perfect people allowed’! Isn’t that a relief!
Our Meetings
10:15 hrs – Prayer
11:00 hrs – Morning Worship Service
Thursdays 19:30 hrs – Bible Study and Prayer.